Space architecture

Space architecture is a theory and practice of designing and building inhabited environments in outer space.

We believe, that as architects, we should be designing for our future on earth and in space. We are constantly looking for new concepts answering people needs and technological and natural constraints. We are merging architectural design with engineering, novel construction methods, applications of smart materials, biomimetics and natural sciences, in order to provide new ideas for development of habitats in extreme environments and in space.

Architects should know how to protect the health and safety of people. Working in a field of space architecture let us respond to present and future global challenges, taking part in an expedition to discover where we, as civilisation, can go. Our involvement in this multidisciplinary research supports design concepts for living in space and space exploration, allowing us to design beyond the stereotypes of what architecture is considered to be.


Architektura kosmiczna to teoria i praktyka projektowania oraz budowania odpowiednich do zamieszkania środowisk, w przestrzeni kosmicznej.

Wierzymy, że jako architekci, powinnismy projektować dla naszej przyszłości na Ziemi jak i w kosmosie. Nieprzerwanie szukamy nowych rozwiązań, odpowiadających na ludzkie potrzeby oraz technologiczne i naturalne ograniczenia. Łączymy projektowanie architektoniczne z inżynierią, nowatorskimi metodami budowy, zastosowaniem inteligentnych materiałów, biomimetyki i nauk przyrodniczych, aby dostarczać nowe pomysły na tworzenie habitatów w ekstremalnych środowiskach i w kosmosie.

Naszym zdaniem, architekci powinni wiedzieć, jak chronić zdrowie i bezpieczeństwo ludzi. Pracując w dziedzinie architektury kosmicznej, możemy odpowiedzieć na obecne i przyszłe globalne wyzwania, biorąc udział w wyprawie, której celem jest odkrycie, jak daleko, jako cywilizacja, możemy się udać. Nasze zaangażowanie w tę międzydyscyplinarną pracę wspiera koncepcje projektowe dotyczące życia w przestrzeni kosmicznej i eksploracji kosmosu, umożliwiając nam projektowanie wykraczające poza stereotypy dotyczące tego, czym jest architektura.



Lunar Light House

New Space 2060 International Moon Pitch Competition
Shecklaton Crater, The Moon

The Lunar Light House project was developed to provide a system of protection against cosmic radiation specifically for a surface Lunar base. Its main target was to find a technical solution which would allow for more freedom in shaping the base structure, and at the same time for the introduction of the natural sun light, without the losses on radiation protection properties.

Lunar Test Lab

Winner of the ‘Moontopia’ competition, Eleven Magazine
Lunar South Pole
Team: Monika Lipińska, Laura Olivier, Lize Inci Ogun

The Testlab settlement is based on the idea of the Russian Babushka Doll – one layer protects the next. On the very inside of the settlement are the Pods, which inhabit the private sleeping quarters, the communal rooms, the greenhouse, the experimental labs and the necessary machinery to sustain life on the Moon.

Eternal Oasis

Sahara, Maroko
Team: Monika Lipińska, Karolina Pajnowska, Ludvig Hofsten

Eternal Oasis is permanent and long-lasting, an omnipresent beacon in the vast emptiness, always welcoming tired travellers. It "floats" on the sand, change with the moving dunes and mirror the shape of the desert. Developed building block solves the challenge of construction on sand,by means of pure geometry. The element is based on the principle of topological interlocking.

Monika Brandić Lipińska

Master of Science in Architecture (with specialisation in Spatial Experiments) | Master of Science in Space Studies. Monika specialises in architecture in extreme environment, especially space architecture. Her work focuses on the investigation of low technology readiness level extraterrestrial construction methods, merging architecture with biology and human factor in space exploration. Currently she is collaborating with NASA Astrobiology Lab at NASA Ames Research Center.
