mgr inż. arch. Monika Brandić Lipińska

Monika Brandić Lipińska

Master of Science in Architecture (with specialisation in Spatial Experiments) | Master of Science in Space Studies

Monika specjalizuje się w architekturze w środowiskach ekstremalnych, w szczególności architekturze kosmicznej. Jej praca badawczo-architektoniczna skupia się wokół nowych metod konstrukcyjnych, dla baz księżycowych i marsjańskich. Pracuje nad wykorzystaniem biologii w architekturze i nad ‘rosnącymi’ strukturami, oraz architektura responsywną, z uwzględnieniem czynnika ludzkiego podczas misji kosmicznych. Obecnie współpracuje nad projektem ‘Myco-architecture’ z laboratorium astrobiologi w NASA Ames Research Center w Kalifornii.

Ukończyła studia magisterskie na Lund University w Szwecji, na kierunku Architektura, ze specjalizacją Eksperymenty Przestrzenne (projektowanie dla ekstremalnych środowisk i projektowanie parametryczne)(2016-2018) oraz w Międzydyscyplinarne Studia Kosmiczne na International Space University w Strasbourgu (2019). Studia inżynierskie odbyła na Wydziale Architektury Politechniki Wrocławskiej (2011-2015) oraz na Politecnico di Milano we Włoszech (2012-2013).

Podczas studiów odbyła praktyki w biurach projektowych Hiroshi Nakamura & NAP w Tokio , COBE w Kopenhadze, Mork Ulnes Architects w San Francisco oraz w międzydyscyplinarnym biurze zajmującym się architekturą kosmiczną - Liquifer Systems Group w Wiedniu.

Wraz ze swoim zespołem z International Space University opracowała 15 Księżycowych Celów Zrównoważonego Rozwoju. Jest laureatem miedzynarodowego konkursu ‘Moontopia’ na projekt bazy na Księżycu. Jej praca magisterska ‘Lunar Light House’ została wyróżniona w konkursie  New Space 2060 International Moon Pitch competition. Do 5 stycznia 2020 można było oglądać jej projekt laboratorium na Księżycu na wystawie ‘The Moon’ w National Maritime Museum w Greenwich w Londynie.

Zajmując się rozwojem architektury kosmicznej w Europie i na Świecie, jednocześnie przekłada swoje doświadczenie na język współczesnej architektury mieszkaniowej.



Monika’s academic background consists of an investigation into experimental architecture, design for extreme environments and of a degree in space studies. During her course of learning and research, she had involvement with living organisms and the implementation of biomimicry into the design. She sees tremendous potential in biotechnological solutions for building habitable environments in space. Facilitating low technology readiness level construction systems and in-situ resource utilization, tightly enmeshed in biology, has been the focal point of her research.

She is involved in ‘Myco-architecture off-planet’ project developed in Lynn Rothschild’s Astrobiology Laboratory at NASA Ames Research Center, focused on the study of mycelium-based composites and implementation of synthetic biology for extraterrestrial constructions methods.

Her thesis project was researching the growth of the nano-cellulose and the biocomposite application for the construction system for the Lunar Base. The study was motivated by the need to develop a system of protection against solar and cosmic radiation for the surface lunar base, which would allow for more freedom in shaping the structure and introduces the sunlight to the habitat.

During her studies she was working in architecture offices all over the World - Hiroshi Nakamura & NAP in Tokyo, COBE in Copenhagen, Mork Ulnes Architects in San Francisco and in the interdisciplinary group focusing on space architecture  - Liquifer Systems Group in Vienna.

Together with her team at International Space University she developed 15 Lunar Sustainability Goals.  Project developed by her and two collegues - Lunar Testlab - received in 2017 first prize in international ‘Moontopia’ competition. Her Master Thesis work - Lunar Light House, in 2018 got a special mention in New Space 2060 International Moon Pitch competition. Till 5 January you could see her Lunar Testlab on ‘The Moon’ exhibition in National Maritime Museum in Greenwich. London.

Simultaneously with developing of a field of space architecture in Europe and in the World, she translates her experience into the language of contemporary residential architecture, working in Lipińscy Domy.



  • Master of Science in Space Studies – International Space University, France, 2018-2019
  • Master Science in Architecture with specialization in Spatial Experiments (Extreme Environments, Additive Manufacturing, Computational Design) – Lund University, Sweden, 2016 – 2018
  • Bachelor of Science in Architecture, Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Poland , 2011-2015
  • Architecture and Urban Planning, Politecnico di Milano, Italy, 2012-2013



  • Human Senses as Drivers in Space Vehicles and Space Habitats Design, The International Conference on Environmental Systems, 2020 Lisbon (first author)
  • The value of art as an urban intervention for extraterrestrial settlements and its impact on the subconscious perception of time and space. Contemporary Arts Practice and Outer Space: A Multi-Disciplinary Approach, IAC 2019 Washington (first author)
  • Incorporating Sustainability into Rationales for Lunar Settlement: Addressing Global Challenges through Lunar Sustainability Goals, Contribution of Space Activities to Solving Global Societal Issues, IAC 2019 Washington (co-author)
  • Incorporating Sustainability into Planned Lunar Missions: Building Blocks for Lunar Settlement through Lunar Sustainability Goals, 17th IAA Symposium on Building Block for Future Space Exploration and Development, IAC 2019 Washington, AD ASTRA – IAC Special Issue – 2019 (co-author)
  • Nano-Cellulose Application in Radiation Shielding Architecture, Space Architecture: Habitats, Habitability, and Bases, IAC 2018 Bremen, Acta Astronautica 2019 (reviewed)(author)
  • Phobos Base Fearless, AIAA Student Design Competition - Human Spaceflight: Phobos Base, Human Spaceflight session,  IAC 2017 Adelaide (co-author)



  • Moon Village Principles Activities Award for “Sustainable Moon” Team Project. The first annual Moon Village Principles Activities Award awarded in Tokyo, Japan during the 3rd International Moon Village Workshop & Symposium, 2019.
  • Special mention in the New Space 2060 International Moon Pitch competition.
  • LUNAR LIGHT HOUSE. Nano-cellulose Application in Radiation Shielding Architecture, Master Thesis, Lund University. 
  • Winning proposal of the graduate category of the AIAA PHOBOS BASE Student Design Competition - Phobos Base Fearless 
  • 1st Prize in Moontopia’ Eleven Magazine competition for a Lunar Base. LUNAR TESTLAB Project